Pardubický podnikatelský inkubátor, z.ú.
Jana Palacha 363
530 02 Pardubice
IČO: 06372562
Bank A/C: 8417338003/5500
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_285/0021794
Project applicant: Pardubice business incubator, z.ú.
Support provider: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
Support program: EUROPEAN UNION - European Fund for Regional Development OP Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness 2014 - 2020, Infrastructure Services
Project implementation period: 21/10/2022 – 30/4/2023
The aim of the project is to improve the quality of the services provided by the Pardubice Business Incubator, z.ú. (P-PINK for short) provides. These are support innovation infrastructure services that will lead to an increase in the intensity of joint research, development and innovation activities between business entities and between the public business sector.
From the point of view of ensuring the basic operation, the implementation of the project will help with the payment of operating costs such as network non-storable supplies, travel expenses, marketing and promotion. From the point of view of increasing the efficiency of professional activity, training and retraining of P-PINK's internal employees will take place.
The implementation of the project activities will make it possible to better manage the incubation and acceleration programs, which will include support programs to help entrepreneurs. The implementation of the project will have a very positive impact on the development of business and innovation in the territory of the Hradec-Pardubice agglomeration. In connection with the operation of the own infrastructure for the support of business activities, the level of efficiency of the functioning of companies/projects will be significantly increased, the risk of prospective companies moving to other regions will be eliminated, and thus also the negative impact on the economy and the overall level of agglomeration in the long term.