Are you thinking about starting your own business or starting your already established company, but you don't know what business actually entails?
Are you working on your own project and need advice on how to move it forward?
Every Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., our expert team will be available to take care of you. A unique opportunity to use non-binding and free consultations to solve your own embarrassment.

Konzultace - úvodní obrázek

Consultations are on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

On other days by agreement.

Introductory Consultation

free of charge
1 hour

  • Come and talk casually about your idea, project, problem, need, topic, in short, whatever interests you and keeps you awake.
  • How do you do that? What about it? How to implement? Does it make sense? Who to contact? How to proceed? What can P-PINK do for me?
  • If it makes sense for us to do so, we can pursue the topic together in more depth as part of our paid consultation package.
Request consultation


900,- CZK
per hour / price without VAT

  • We will prepare the topics you are dealing with and go through them. One in depth or several to tap and determine directionally.
  • pricing; business plan; business development; product development; prototyping and market entry; marketing and marketing plan; time management; productivity and efficiency; business skills etc.
Request the package